Is it time to switch ?

Ahhh yes... ATTENTION...
Who doesn't love attention? I do!!! and so does everyone else in this world and if anyone says they don't , they are so lying thru their hairy nosed nostrils OK?
BUt really... some attention, I can handle!... But too much of it , makes me uncomfortable... I'm sumwat of a private person in my own way... Yes! It is very nice when you go to the usual hangout place and people know your name and greet you by your first name (yes!yes! a definite Cheers situation) *sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your nameEEEeeEEEee... da da daaaaaaaaa*
But is it time to switch to a new surfing place when(the old surfing place shall be known as SB from here on):
1. Going to SB everyday is starting to feel like a job.
2. The SB crew starts to notice your outfit and accessories from head to foot and starts to comment on them.
3. They know when you sit inside you are here alone and when you sit outside, you are expecting friends.
4. The SB crew from other outlets know who you are as well, after meeting you only once in your usual SB.
5. The SB crew knows exactly when to expect you and knows exactly how many days you have gone MIA on them.
6. Your friends and other people know exactly where to track you down if you are not answering their calls.
7. The Security Guard of the mall of the SB you frequent, knows that you are in the mall to go to SB!!! *uhuk!!!*
No more PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! I dont want anymore attention... pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee i just want to dwell in my cave (eventho it's the corner seat in SB)...
Forgive me... the SB crew - i love you all... you do make my day with your greetings and your smiles... you do make me feel at home when i am here and don't ever want to see you change your ways ...
I'm just not used to too much attention and feels a bit freaked out when strangers know how i spend my day... feels like Big Brother is watching me... erk!
Somebody's eyes are watching.. if there was a huge oil portrait on the wall of SB, I'm sure the eyes would be watching you.
Hmm, I wish I was the owner of the eyes... I'd love to see you sweating beads... hehe... jez fer the heck of it.
U know I love you right? :)
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