Gettin Harder...

It's getting harder trying to keep up with this Blog thingy again...
Sometimes so much to say and just don't know where to begin.
I thot i was going to have a good weekend... but it pretty much sucked! My Sunshine has gone MIA! I didn't even go for my belly-d class. Some days it feels like ... whats the point? Arrghhh! I cant live here anymore... wish i was home.
A house is not a home. Home is where the heart is. Home is where you feel so peaceful. Home is where you feel safe. Home is where you look forward to going back everyday. Home is your sanctuary. Home is where there is a lot of TLC. Home is where your friends reach out to you with their magical esp power. Home is where you bond with your bestfriend with a tattoo on her ass and a piercing on your nose. Home is where you go grocery shopping at 4am in the morning with your crazy friend. Home is where you have a big party while housesitting for your Professor. Home is where your friend wrecks your Professors car while carsitting for her. Home is where even hearing your bestfriend's voice over the phone feels so damn calming. Home is where people don't take advantage of your love and kindness. Home is mom. Home is where my sunshine is. Home is where I AM NOT.
Starting work next week. I have 7 more days of freedom before i am no longer a penniless bum. I gotta shake out of this gloom before i begin work. Feeling so crappy. Where's my sunshine?
Received some calls and sms-es during the weekend from various unexpected friends. Met up wit sum of my X-Files buddies... tried to get me to go to the Headquarters and meet the General, but i am so not in the mood. Made a call - straight to mailbox. Got an sms from a Borneo buddy to give me her new number, only to inform me that she might change it again... wat da heck?... One of dem weeks... things just dont go right...
It's always easier to read into other people's future and life but not your own... One key element goes missing and it's hard to just glue everything back together... i need to migrate! Wish i was a bird where i can migrate whenever and wherever i want to with just a flap of my wings. Where was that second wind i found?...
U took belly-d classes? Whoa! Coolio :) Men will go gaga
Babysteps sweets. By the by, what do you shop at 4 in the am?
hehehehe...don't make the mistake of equating having a job and not being penniless....ask many people (especially young ones) yang dah keja...ramai yg makan maggie dek bila ujung bulan hahaha...
hi cosmic gurl & blown away! -Welcome to my humble blog...
pwincess - one of dem days doll! err... grocery? reminiscing college days... we wud do our groceries at that hour bcoz we practically RULE the supermarket at that hour! No lines, no traffic and definitely no hassle!
cosmic gurl- haha! sumhow i doubt they will go gaga but it's fun and a very sensual dance, you will connect with sumthn deep inside of ur intimate self...
blown away - well... i kno wat u mean... it's a new job but i've gone thru life already quite a bit... but i appreciate the reminder :)
home is on an island.
come with me to the islands, man *in a jamaican accent*
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