A sad and shocking day...

I have 2 cats which i've adopted since i moved into my new house last year...
And since then, i've adopted a few more stray cats, as in, i feed them daily, but my 2 cats are the only ones with the 'indoor-and-can-sleep-with-me' priviledges...
The mother cat i've been feeding has had a couple of happy preggy days since i've been around... And the last time she got boned... it was by a new and handsome long grey haired male cat in the neigbourhood, which produced a fine set of kittens...there was the beautiful grey one, the tiger striped one and the patches here and there one... my fav was the grey one...
Then, one fine day... my mom had to tell me the sad news... the neighbour had accidently runned over the grey one... it was a horrifying news... i was really sad...
and then there were 2...
it was around Chinese New Year then, that i went for a break to Langkawi...
when i came back... i noticed that there was only one kitten... nobody knew what had happened to it... just that it went missing... i assumed that the mother had left it somewhere or someone took it as a pet...
Months went by.... until Sunday...
I've been procrastinating sending my car for a service for the longest time... finally i decided to send it to the workshop last Sunday because the car wasn't moving as well as it used to and it started smelling for some reason... some kinda stench...
Then i received the call...
Ring! Ring!
me- hello
mechanic- Miss ah!
me- ya
mechanic- Miss ah! Your car engine there ah! got a dead cat ooo!
me- WAT???????????????
mechanic- ya! kecik one... i bukak ur engine and i see sumthin look at me... aiyah! terkejut oo!
me- but how?
mechanic- very small one Miss ! i kasi cucilaaa...
me- (still in shock) ok... thank you ah...
Now i know what happened to Kitty!... I feel so bad...
I'm so sorry Kitty... one of those days when i was in Langkawi... my mom musta turned on the engine to warm up the car... not realising you were there... i hope it wasnt a painful one for you and hope you are happy in kitty heaven there...
:) hye ..
i luv cats too..has one called ChiKo..real manja2 type..
wish u many more happy days with ur pussies...*smile*
Thanx idham... i surely can't live without one around~ ... and hope yours will stay with you for a long long long time... :)
u fried a cat????
it wasnt meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
that poor cat!!!
i aint bringing my cats near u trippin'.
goreng pon soodaaaapp!
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