Love Thy Neighbour?... Only if they deserve it...
Nowadays it's really difficult to be neighbourly, especially when you get the kinda neighbours who have ATTITUDE PROBLEMS!
Ok, I am about to fully use my right to bitch in here...
I moved to my new house about one and a half years ago... I've adopted two stray cats from the neighbourhood itself. The cats, Blackie and Bushy, came to me willingly... i did not catnap or drug or blackmail them into my life... I've showered them with a lot of love and very high quality catfood
(i will proudly stand by the quality of IAMS catfood)for the amount of time they have been with me... even my cousins who used to live in this house noticed the change in their furcoats... how much nicer it has become since they've started eating right... and not the usual crap they have to beg or steal or scavenge thru the trash can...

I've bought Blackie and Bushy very nice collars with bells on them... it makes it easier for me to trace their whereabouts... and to of course announce to the whole neighbourhood and other stray cats that I am the proud parent of these two fine felines...
One incident which really pissed me off was when i found their collars missing without a trace... Both at the same time! ... Now who in their right state of mind would do something like that, unless they were really really really desperate to get collars for their cats! That mystery was never solved although at the back of my mind... i somehow pictured Blackie and Bushy turning in their collars to pay off for their gambling debts at the kitty den! hehehe! These two are extremely lovable yet cunning... Theres always a twinkle in their eye...

Anyway... my mom told me about the conversation she had with the Attitude Problem Naighbour! Apparently, APN's sister has set her sights on Bushy and they have tried to capture her to bring her back to the sister's house... Now how rude is that????
NOw what i would love to say to her is....
"BITCH! Don't you see me feeding the cats and calling for them at night to come home and talking to them and putting a new bell around their necks???????? Who the F*CK do you think you are to give your F*Cking sister the right to take my CAT!!!!!!!!!!!! "
She can tell my mom straight to her face that she told her sister that she can have the cat as it belongs to nobody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF??????????????????????????????????????????? DUMBASS BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told my mom to tell that inconsiderate and f*cking blind BITCH that BUSHY is MINE!!!!!!!!!!! I've been taking care of Bushy for the past one year and more... Now that she's looking really good, everybody and their sister wants to have a piece of her... F*ck y'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can be a gentle soul but when you step into my turf and mess with my cats, you better watch it!
Stay the F*Ck away from my PUSSY! or you are about to get into a really nasty CATFIGHT!
Trippin dearest,
two lucky pussies, one cat loving gurl, one catnapping neighbour...and hell broke lose!Yes, u hv my support to 'fight' for the pussies. we make make damn sure that they go no where but stay with u...gimme a call trippin if things get out of hand eh...*wink*
idHam. <---pussy rescuer!
hehehe! Thanks for the support Id my pussy Hero~... well you know how it is... one cat does not equal another... they have very different personalities... and i love them with all my heart! :)
let me at em let me at em..kurang ajarrrr...
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