ReGifters... Are you a GUILTY party?

It's your birthday. Or perhaps it's just one of those special occasions in your life that you are celebrating. On that day the gifts come pouring in... everything was just perfect... the setting, the company, the food... and the gifts...
Well... all the gifts, except for one in particular... You can't really figure out why someone would get you a gift like this... it doesnt seem like a lot of thought was put into it... it seems like a carelessly given gift... was there not enough time to purchase a nice one? or... have you been downgraded so low in that list, which means that you don't deserve much thought at all... (after all, you had set out to make sure that you got them a really nice-with-a-lot-of-thought-put-into-it-not-to-mention-how-much-it-costs-you-kinda-gift, on their happy occasion)... but the main question now is, was this gift, given to you, a practice of a ReGifter?
I was watching Seinfeld the other day and the sitcom theme for that episode was regarding ReGifters. Although i found that episode extremely amusing, I have to say that it does make me wonder about some of the gifts which I've received in my lifetime.
To me, it's not a matter of how much you spend, but how much of thought, you put into giving someone something. It could be the cheapest thing in the whole wide world, but, because it is given with a lot of thought put into it, the gift will come out... PRICELESS! This is the one thing which I believe a lot of us tends to forget. A thoughtful gift goes a long way.
I think ReGifters should feel ashamed of themselves... For me, I would never give away something which is given to me... whether I like it or not, because even though I question it, I will always give it the benefit of a doubt that it is given to me with much sincerity and a lot of thought... perhaps they thought that I needed that gift for a certain reason and I might just find it handy at one point in my life in the future...
Here's a funny story about ReGifting:
When I was about 3 years old, my dad went to Hawaii to teach a course in a university in Honolulu. We did not go with him, because the apartment he was living in, did not allow small children to live there. So when he came back for a short break, my mom had passed him a nice batik scarf to be given to the spouse of the Professor he was working with, as a souvenir from Malaysia. All was well and after teaching the course for 6 months, my dad came home... he kept in touch with the Prof throuhout the years ... and finally in 1988, my dad took all of us for a holiday there... the Prof has retired and was quite sickly then, but he still made an effort to come and visit us at the hotel then, his wife could not make it, but had given my mom a gift instead... imagine my mom's surprise that, the gift she received was, the SAME BATIK SCARF which she had given to the Professor's wife. HEHEHEHE!!! That lady was guilty of being a REGIFTER! and what was worse, she gave it back to someone who had given it to her in the first place... she actually kept the gift for more than a decade, and finally decided to give it away.... haha!
Interesting blog. Check mine out for laughs.
Tq! Always a pleasure to know someone out there is reading mine. :)
Yup, you are right, it is the thot that counts...and also the effort that you put in to buy the gift. I just love getting gifts no matter what the price is! :)
I'm with u on that one Nour... :)
every manusia from the beginning of time love presents.
even the Prophet pun ada nasihat about gift giving.
my gifts have very personal touch and thoughts :) bukan sebarangan tau.
really adam? wow! never knew that...
Pwincess: u r built with da personal touches mould :)
LoL...I enjoyed reading this entry of urs triPPin...funny! but so true...mmg ramai mcm tu..hehehehe...the best gift i ever received was a scrap book filled with cutting of newspaper reports which featured me..or which had a photo of me ( usually hidden behind some VIP hehehe ), and of my poems and love letters ...and given to me as a wedding annivesary yg ke ** LiL...:)
best wishes TriPPin...and the rm200 tu dah bayar ka?
IdHam <---nak belikan gift for trippIn from Middle east. sudi ka terima?
waaaa... thx Id... wat a compliment! Yup RM200 dah bayar... he finally came to collect hehe! u wanna gimme a present? how sweet...
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