
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Just because i was bored...

4 Jobs I've Had in My Life...
1. Snack bar crew
2. Cafe operator
3. Freelance Graphic Designer
4. Boutique Copywriter

4 Movies I Could Watch Over and Over...
1. Spaceballs
2. Great Expectations
3. Tombstone
4. Usual Suspects

4 Places I've lived...
1. Kuantan
2. Kuching
3. USA
4. Petaling Jaya

4 TV Shows I Love to Watch...
1. CSI
2. Spongebob Squarepants
3. Seinfeld
4. (to be updated)

4 Places I've Been on Vacation...
1. UK
2. USA
3. Marrakech
4. Southern Spain

4 Websites I Visit Daily...
1. (to be updated)
2. (to be updated)
3. (to be updated)
4. (to be updated)

4 of My Favorite Foods...
1.TexMex cuisine
2. Italian cuisine
3. Oriental cuisine
4. Mediterranean cuisine

4 Places I'd Rather be Right Now...
1. USA
2. Langkawi
3. Scarlet Hotel
4. Serendipity

4 Bloggers I'm Tagging...
1. A bored blogger
2. A survey maniac blogger
3. An obsessive compulsive answer freak blogger
4. A blogger after my own heart!


Blogger Idham said...

For man like me...FOUR is a very good number...hehehe *wink*
but, doing someone being on all FOUR is one of my feverite, huh...FOUR poster beds drives me horny n crazy...dunno why..they always do...driving a Four by Four over the sand dunes in the desert ...ahh what a joy!

psst: what will u be doing at FOUR today? hehehe...


8:13 PM  
Blogger TriPPin' said...

I love and drive a 4 x 4 as well... haha! Noty Noty Id!
I will be working my ass of at 4pm today :)

10:23 PM  
Blogger waffles said...

scarlet!!!! ahhh the sweetest of memories.

10:22 PM  
Blogger TriPPin' said...

*sigh* u know, i know Pwincess... :)

11:49 PM  

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