
So this past week for me has been mighty busy! Busy busy and busy!!!
But for once in my life it's been a 'GOOD BUSY' kinda thing! I think I've finally received my break... Well, as far as life is concern... will eventually get into that later. That's a whole other talk show as they say it...
Anyway, met up with some friends and I sort of got into talking about crystals and auras and stuff! Learnt a few things I was never aware of ... well, if you are the superstitious kinda person that is...
1. Never ever allow anyone to touch your crystals. Especially, never allow it to be placed in the palm of their hands; sumthin bout their bad energy being absorbed by your crystals, and you'll be carrying around their negative energy.
2. To cleanse your crystals of all the bad energy it has absorbed, either you plant them in the ground for a couple of days or you run them over running water for about 5 to 15 minutes or so, and then allow them to air dry under the morning sun. I guess it would be better if it was a running stream or river which is not polluted or cleansing them by the waterfall. I know for a fact that if we were to take a lil shower underneath the waterfall, we will feel more rejuvenised due to the ions being created by the speed of the water hitting the rocks.
3. If you plan to wear your crystals as a bracelet, make sure you have it on the left side of your hand, if you want to wear it only on one hand. I am not too sure as to the reason why, the only logic i can think of is ... probably because our heart is located on the left side of our body??? And where else would the energies of our emotions generate from?
4. If you are the aggressive type of person, you should stay away from wearing the Tiger's eye crystal. There will be an abundance of aggressive energy surrounding you, and, this would make you more aggressive. This in turn, would result in just triggering very negative reactions towards you from others.
5. It is good to have your aura picture taken, in a sense, where... it could tell you which crystals would be more suitable to be worn by you and which one you should stay away from. If you have a lot of red elements, then, you should stay away from reddish tone crystals like amethyst and garnet. This works both ways of course, lacking in the red element, would require you to wear them.
Had a weird kinda experience a few months back... I had my aura picture taken... yes yes yes ... i got suckered into it... Hee! Hee! *giggle* I was soooooooooooo nervous... forced my friend to have hers read first, before the rest of us, as she was the regular there... there was an improvement on her picture yay! for my laling! But ugh! mine was just so so so bad... well... it just showed quite a bit of anger which i've been keeping inside of me at that point... thank goodness though, that it showed that the situation was current and mainly in the past, but not in the future if i can control it. The coming future aura seems more promising with luck coming my way...
Heard a very funny story though, from my mate. My mate had been advised to wear a garnet belt... and of course... it was purchased and religeously worn... day in and day out... hehehe! but the only BIG change which my mate could see was... there was a 24/7 thought in mind which could not be shrug off, which was triggering a MEGA BIG time state of HORNINESS!!! hahahaha! My mate was on fire all the time and just couldnt understand why (?) there is this sudden madness for s*x! This kept on for awhile, until one day, in an open discussion about crystals... a very good samaritan stated the fact that garnet is good for the ahem! organs functionality!!! WUuuHooo! And now what has become of the garnet belt? Let's just say that... the main words to describe where it ended up, would have begun with, " Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today......" Yup! Yup! Yup!!!... farewell my concubine! heeeheeeheee! Our beloved Garnet had a short lifespan but had such a BIG IMPACT on those who have known of its acquaintance!
Hmmm... and why do i get the sense that if people were to read this blog by chance, there would be a sudden LEAP in the sales of GARNET crystals? HMmmmm?