
Friday, March 31, 2006


So this past week for me has been mighty busy! Busy busy and busy!!!

But for once in my life it's been a 'GOOD BUSY' kinda thing! I think I've finally received my break... Well, as far as life is concern... will eventually get into that later. That's a whole other talk show as they say it...

Anyway, met up with some friends and I sort of got into talking about crystals and auras and stuff! Learnt a few things I was never aware of ... well, if you are the superstitious kinda person that is...


1. Never ever allow anyone to touch your crystals. Especially, never allow it to be placed in the palm of their hands; sumthin bout their bad energy being absorbed by your crystals, and you'll be carrying around their negative energy.

2. To cleanse your crystals of all the bad energy it has absorbed, either you plant them in the ground for a couple of days or you run them over running water for about 5 to 15 minutes or so, and then allow them to air dry under the morning sun. I guess it would be better if it was a running stream or river which is not polluted or cleansing them by the waterfall. I know for a fact that if we were to take a lil shower underneath the waterfall, we will feel more rejuvenised due to the ions being created by the speed of the water hitting the rocks.

3. If you plan to wear your crystals as a bracelet, make sure you have it on the left side of your hand, if you want to wear it only on one hand. I am not too sure as to the reason why, the only logic i can think of is ... probably because our heart is located on the left side of our body??? And where else would the energies of our emotions generate from?

4. If you are the aggressive type of person, you should stay away from wearing the Tiger's eye crystal. There will be an abundance of aggressive energy surrounding you, and, this would make you more aggressive. This in turn, would result in just triggering very negative reactions towards you from others.

5. It is good to have your aura picture taken, in a sense, where... it could tell you which crystals would be more suitable to be worn by you and which one you should stay away from. If you have a lot of red elements, then, you should stay away from reddish tone crystals like amethyst and garnet. This works both ways of course, lacking in the red element, would require you to wear them.

Had a weird kinda experience a few months back... I had my aura picture taken... yes yes yes ... i got suckered into it... Hee! Hee! *giggle* I was soooooooooooo nervous... forced my friend to have hers read first, before the rest of us, as she was the regular there... there was an improvement on her picture yay! for my laling! But ugh! mine was just so so so bad... well... it just showed quite a bit of anger which i've been keeping inside of me at that point... thank goodness though, that it showed that the situation was current and mainly in the past, but not in the future if i can control it. The coming future aura seems more promising with luck coming my way...

Heard a very funny story though, from my mate. My mate had been advised to wear a garnet belt... and of course... it was purchased and religeously worn... day in and day out... hehehe! but the only BIG change which my mate could see was... there was a 24/7 thought in mind which could not be shrug off, which was triggering a MEGA BIG time state of HORNINESS!!! hahahaha! My mate was on fire all the time and just couldnt understand why (?) there is this sudden madness for s*x! This kept on for awhile, until one day, in an open discussion about crystals... a very good samaritan stated the fact that garnet is good for the ahem! organs functionality!!! WUuuHooo! And now what has become of the garnet belt? Let's just say that... the main words to describe where it ended up, would have begun with, " Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today......" Yup! Yup! Yup!!!... farewell my concubine! heeeheeeheee! Our beloved Garnet had a short lifespan but had such a BIG IMPACT on those who have known of its acquaintance!

Hmmm... and why do i get the sense that if people were to read this blog by chance, there would be a sudden LEAP in the sales of GARNET crystals? HMmmmm?


i wonder about things in my life... people in my life...
Sometimes i dont know if the world is getting weary of it's inhabitants or are we the ones who make life difficult...

I remember the conversations I've had with my fav uncle. Somehow, he and me, we both connect intellectually. Some days, he makes sense and other days I make sense. He's been there for me and he's been sensitive enough to allow me my space when I dont want that company. I do feel guilty shutting him out at times, but, I just need it for my own self preservation.

I've always wondered about myself so many times. I always seem to have that extra patience for people I really care for, but, at times I do wonder if I am being logically caring or insanely idiotic. It's really a thin line which you draw when it comes to people that you care about, whom does not share the same sentiments as you or as strongly as you. It's just a thin line.

I mean, how much and how long does it take to reply back that sms or email ? Nothing which is not a 'life and death' situation can be really that important 24/7 until you cannot even make that miniscule time for a friend. A friend which you had decided to accept their friendship within your life. What does it really say when you've reached that point really? Does it mean that I've lost my self respect as much as they have lost their respect for me as a person? Don't I deserve even that much from someone who is called a friend?

I guess this is the very reason why i have many mates but very few friends. I know many people but i wouldnt consider them a FRIEND. I believe having a friendship is also a type of responsibility you place upon yourself. It's sort of like marriage really... you are responsible in maintaining it to the best possible way which you can. Just like marriage, you have a duty to take care of the heart and feelings of a friend and do your best not to take them for granted or abuse this relationship. You need to havea lifelong respect for each other. To defend and honor them whenever necessary. To be consistent in that TLC. To give them a chance to redeem for their mistakes. To always remember that to err is human and to forgive when your heart is ready is certainly divine.

I guess sometimes... the way you see things is quite different than the way someone else sees it... it's just a Thin Line...

Thursday, March 30, 2006


This is a MUST for you, Pwincess! hehe!

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Armadillo Viking
Your Superpower is Nanotechnology
Your Weakness is Dust
Your Weapon is Your Star Knife
Your Mode of Transportation is Pegasus

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Gettin Harder...

It's getting harder trying to keep up with this Blog thingy again...
Sometimes so much to say and just don't know where to begin.
I thot i was going to have a good weekend... but it pretty much sucked! My Sunshine has gone MIA! I didn't even go for my belly-d class. Some days it feels like ... whats the point? Arrghhh! I cant live here anymore... wish i was home.

A house is not a home. Home is where the heart is. Home is where you feel so peaceful. Home is where you feel safe. Home is where you look forward to going back everyday. Home is your sanctuary. Home is where there is a lot of TLC. Home is where your friends reach out to you with their magical esp power. Home is where you bond with your bestfriend with a tattoo on her ass and a piercing on your nose. Home is where you go grocery shopping at 4am in the morning with your crazy friend. Home is where you have a big party while housesitting for your Professor. Home is where your friend wrecks your Professors car while carsitting for her. Home is where even hearing your bestfriend's voice over the phone feels so damn calming. Home is where people don't take advantage of your love and kindness. Home is mom. Home is where my sunshine is. Home is where I AM NOT.

Starting work next week. I have 7 more days of freedom before i am no longer a penniless bum. I gotta shake out of this gloom before i begin work. Feeling so crappy. Where's my sunshine?

Received some calls and sms-es during the weekend from various unexpected friends. Met up wit sum of my X-Files buddies... tried to get me to go to the Headquarters and meet the General, but i am so not in the mood. Made a call - straight to mailbox. Got an sms from a Borneo buddy to give me her new number, only to inform me that she might change it again... wat da heck?... One of dem weeks... things just dont go right...

It's always easier to read into other people's future and life but not your own... One key element goes missing and it's hard to just glue everything back together... i need to migrate! Wish i was a bird where i can migrate whenever and wherever i want to with just a flap of my wings. Where was that second wind i found?...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Is it time to switch ?

Ahhh yes... ATTENTION...

Who doesn't love attention? I do!!! and so does everyone else in this world and if anyone says they don't , they are so lying thru their hairy nosed nostrils OK?

BUt really... some attention, I can handle!... But too much of it , makes me uncomfortable... I'm sumwat of a private person in my own way... Yes! It is very nice when you go to the usual hangout place and people know your name and greet you by your first name (yes!yes! a definite Cheers situation) *sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your nameEEEeeEEEee... da da daaaaaaaaa*

But is it time to switch to a new surfing place when(the old surfing place shall be known as SB from here on):

1. Going to SB everyday is starting to feel like a job.

2. The SB crew starts to notice your outfit and accessories from head to foot and starts to comment on them.

3. They know when you sit inside you are here alone and when you sit outside, you are expecting friends.

4. The SB crew from other outlets know who you are as well, after meeting you only once in your usual SB.

5. The SB crew knows exactly when to expect you and knows exactly how many days you have gone MIA on them.

6. Your friends and other people know exactly where to track you down if you are not answering their calls.

7. The Security Guard of the mall of the SB you frequent, knows that you are in the mall to go to SB!!! *uhuk!!!*

No more PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! I dont want anymore attention... pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee i just want to dwell in my cave (eventho it's the corner seat in SB)...

Forgive me... the SB crew - i love you all... you do make my day with your greetings and your smiles... you do make me feel at home when i am here and don't ever want to see you change your ways ...

I'm just not used to too much attention and feels a bit freaked out when strangers know how i spend my day... feels like Big Brother is watching me... erk!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Well... sorry for the potong stim thingy... to my one faithful reader kekekeke...

Wat we did after that was... we tried to remember all the shops i had purchased things in..which were down to 3! Thank goodness! Coz my PASSPORT wud have only slipped out when i opened my handbag. Thank goodness too,that back then, my memory was very sharp and i could remember the name of the shop and all. We called up the operator and got the numbers. I decided to work backwords and start from the final shop we were at. Through it all i was making all the silent prayers and promises to GOD that i will NEVER EVER (ulp! such a tall promise erk!... desperation had overwhelmed me!!!) again MISBEHAVE!(yes! I have screwed myself up for LIFE!!! uhuk!)...

I guess Divine Being was listening and i managed to track down the lost item in the final shop! PHewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! I didnt know how to feel at that point... my heart was racing like a ferrari and suddenly it needed to pull over and stop chasing the fire... my heart was confused whether to slow down or speed up... i didnt know whether to laugh or cry!(again! hmmm... feels like a rerun of emotions)

I wanted to retrieve the PASSPORT immediately! to make sure it was in my hands! To make sure it was safe and sound, as if my dear life depended on it( YES IT DID!!!)... but my dear friend decided to take five (SAY WHAT????) She thought we didnt need to rush, since we already know where it is( BUt... but... but....) ... I nearly died when she said that...
Finally after a torturous 15mins and major sulky looks... we were on our way. She waited in the cab while i went to get the optimal prized possession!

HAHAHAHA! You can just imagine how the next few hours drifted by before my flight! Yup!!! I kept my PASSPORT in my BRA!!! Just to make sure that no more UNWANTED incidences occur til i am back safely in Malaysia. Yuppp... a lesson learnt well!
But did i keep to my promises of BEHAVING? HELL NO! and I shall lamely justify that with these words - I am only HUMAN and to Err is HUMAN . Heh! Heh! :P

-In memory of the Singapore trip wit EeLin-

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Can i have an overhaul on my memory banks please?

A week has gone by...
Was it a week? or has it been more than a weeksincei've updated this blog... i'm clearly falling back into the old routine of dormant blogs...

I cant remember what's been goin on... what did i do? was it fun? who was i with?... DAMN! what da hell have i been doing these past few days...

Wats been goin on in my life?... Mercury messin me up...thats wat!

Sigh! My mates went to Jakarta last weekend for the Jakarta International Java Jazz Fest... i should have gone! I dunno why i'm constantly holding back on fun! or too much fun... it's dat ol' guilt dat the elders always put on you... "Haaa! Jangan seronok sangat! Nanti nangis kang!" (translates to- Don't have too much fun or you'll end up crying or grieving!) Sheeesh! Such party poopers... and now, i'm still stuck with those words in my mind ... everytime i want to MISBEHAVE so badly!!! It would have been so blissful to just let go and do everything and anything i want to. Of course it doesn't help that everytime I somehow get a lil crazy that some big shit goes down on me... it's like i've been programmed not to exceed the controlled fun limit, or else, there is a built in auto self destruct button which will activate whenever i go even a tad over that limit! No warning! Nada!And next thing you know is, KABOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!
I remembered there was one time when i was in college and me and a friend of mine decided to go to Singapore to visit some friend of ours. I didn't tell my parents because, chances are, they wont know because they live in a different state and I made sure beforehand that they weren't planning to come down that weekend. Oh the JOY! of this secret journey of fun fun fun! I should have known better... first off, my "intelligent friend" decided that we didnt need to book a place to stay because we should just bunk in with our mates or at the YWCA. I , of course, wasnt as streetsmart or travel smart as her, just followed along like the faithful dog to its master. BIG MISTAKE! YWCA was FULL! ... so we called a hotel and took a cab there...Gawd daymnnn! The hotel was fully booked as well...Can you believe our luck?...Finally after numerous phone calls to hotels, we found one. Yehawww! We were so relieved!... but guess what?...more surprises... none of us had a credit card, and so we had to pay extra for the deposit!... There goes most of my shopping money. Things somehow improved from there... until the day before we left. Final shopping day... we shoped and came back to hang with our mates at their apartment. Going through my stuff in my handbag, i realised that my PASSPORT was missing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CWAP! So many thoughts and visions flashed thru my mind, and among them were, of me in handcuffs being shamefully deported back to Malaysia! How am i going to explain to my parents about this? They didnt even know that i had snuck off to Spore for a secret rendevous! DAMN!DAMN!DAMN! I felt so numb. I couldnt breathe. I didnt know if i wanted to cry or laugh hysterically at my Murphy's Law situation. I just couldnt believe my luck! Everything was going so well... we just had to finish another day and then leave Spore and be back in Msia with no big thingy goin on, like normal travellers. But NOoOOOOOOOoooooOOOo! it just had to be ME! I just had to LOSE my PASSPORT! It was as if i was in my own world after that... i couldnt even hear a word anyone was saying. Finally, when i found my voice, i told my friends what happened! and then we decided to....
Oooops. To be Cont.